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       日期:2013-03-06     浏览:246    

    上课时间:2011528 — 2011529



    MBA语法授课内容: C字母102contest——134cunning

    授课老师:北京师资 亲莅沈阳 辽宁唯一全程面授 张丁文


    construct v

    consult v
    consultant n
    consume v
    consumption n.消费(),消耗
    contact v.
    container n.容器;集装箱
    contaminate v.弄脏,污染
    contemporary a.现代的,当代的;同时代的
    contempt n.轻蔑,藐视
    contend v.竞争,斗争;坚决主张
    content n
    contest n
    context n
    continent n

    continual a.不断的,连续的,频繁的
    continuous a
    contract n
    contradict v.反驳;同……矛盾,同……抵触

    contrary a.(to)
    on the contrary
    contrast v
    (with)使与……对,使与……对照,和……形成对照 n.对照,对比,差异
    in contrast with
    to ……成反比
    contribute v
    contribution n.贡献,捐献()
    contrive v.设法做到;谋划,策划

    24 Phrases2 Total 26

    There are seven continents in the world. There's too great a 1
    _____________ of alcohol in Europe. Mr. Keble was an alcoholic. He said he cared for his health but his actions 2 _____________ his words. He 3_____________ a wine cellar for himself. And he 4_____________a big 5_____________ of alcohol a week. He was content with alcohol. His favorite was to enter drinking 6 _____________. On the 7 _____________, Mrs. Keble disliked alcohol very much. She still loved Mr. Keble, but felt a touch of 8_____________. She 9_____________ that he should stop drinking. But he always 10 _____________ her. They quarreled about this 11_____________. One day when Mrs. Keble arrived at home, she found her husband sleeping on the floor. The wine had 12 _____________ his shirt. So she 13____________ his 14_____________ at once to 15_____________ with him about this. The consultant was 16_____________with the Keble's.  In 17_____________  with the Keble’s, he was always calm. He watched and concluded that continuous drinking had made Mr. Keble thoroughly weak. He suggested Mr. Keble make a contract with him. Mr. Keble read the contract and agreed with him. Later, Mr. Keble took a new kind of medicine his consultant gave to him every day. After much difficulty, he contrived to stop drinking! Can you guess the contents of that contract from the context? Its about the new medicine. The new medicine proved an important 18_____________ toward Mr. Keble.



    A suspect was 1_____________ of robbery. It was said he robbed a copper watch. According to the2 _____________, he had the right to appeal. A lawyer had interest in this3 _____________ case. He was very famous. He'd never got out of control in any case. And he could always manage to4 _____________ defeat into victory. His corporation was formed in 1994. The lawyer5 _____________ with the suspect about his case. He tied a package with a cord then sent it to the suspect. The suspect decided to 6_____________ with the lawyer. He was very 7_____________. The core of the case was to find the proper evidences. As a famous lawyer, it was8 _____________ for him to do that. Everything was under control. On the day of trial, after the 9_____________ greeting, the lawyer began his statements. His words 10_____________ his real feeling. No one could 11_____________ with him in debate. What ever the accuser said, he could give corresponding refutation. Further more, he supplied some 12_____________ evidence. He had full 13_____________ that he would win. He was right. In fact, he had 14_____________ the jury of the suspects innocence. We knew he won as he had thought. His friends gave him a cordial hug. And the15 _____________reported the news of his success at once.


    A millionaire lived in a county of England. He had a 1_____________ cottage in the country. One day, he read a piece of news about space. He 2_____________ how much a cosmic flight would cost. Then he was determined to have a cosmic flight at all costs. Few people could go into space. So he thought of his cousin who worked in the Aviation Council. He 3_____________ his cousin with money. His cousin was a coward corroded by money. His behavior was counter to his duty. He didn't know he accepted the money at the cost of his future. After his cousin left, the millionaire smiled at a cat crouching on the 4_____________ "Anytime, I can 5_____________my money! "A week later two policemen came to "visit" the millionaire. They passed the corridor and stood in front of him. At that time, the millionaire was having dinner. He sat on his couch and tried to crack a crab. Seeing the policemen, he covered up his nervousness. Soon, he was brought to court for trial. His counsel counseled him to say nothing about the affair before they met. In the course of the trail, the millionaire showed his courtesy properly. As a defendant, his 6_____________was the Aviation Council. Fortunately, by courtesy of it, he had not been put into jail. Instead, he was imposed a fine of 10 thousand dollars.
    一个百万富翁住在英国的一个。他在乡下有所1昂贵的 别墅。一天他读到一则关于太空的新闻。他一次宇宙飞行的花费2相加然后决定要不惜任何代价参加宇宙飞行很少人能进入太空。于是他想到他那在航空理事会工作的堂弟。他用钱3贿赂他的堂弟。他的堂弟是个被钱腐蚀懦夫。他的行为与他的职责相反。他不知道他是他的前途为代价而收下这笔钱的。在堂弟走后,百万富翁对着一只蜷在4柜台上的猫眯笑着说:任何时候我都可以5*我的金钱!”一个星期后,两名警员来拜访百万富翁。他们经过走廊站到他面前。那时,百万富翁正在进餐。他坐在睡椅上,试图弄破裂一只螃蟹。看到警察,他掩盖了他的紧张。很快,他被带到法庭审判。他的辩护人劝告他在他们会面之前保持沉默。审判期间,百万富翁恰当地展示了他的谦恭有礼。作为被告,他6对应的人是航空理事会。幸运的是,它的好意,他没被关入监狱,而是被罚了1万美元的罚款。


