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       日期:2012-01-14     浏览:233    
    核心提示:上课时间:2011年5月7日2011年5月8日地点:火炬大厦207室课程名称:MBA词汇面授第11讲、第12讲MBA语法授课内容: C字母67、conce

    上课时间:201157 — 201158



    MBA语法授课内容: C字母67concern——126crash

    授课老师:北京师资 亲莅沈阳 辽宁唯一全程面授 张丁文




    concrete a.具体的,有形的,实质性的n.混凝土v.用混凝土修筑,浇混凝土

    condemn v
    condense v
    on condition that
    conditional a

    conduct n
    conductivity n

    conductor n
    cofer v
    conference n

    confess v
    confidence n

    confident a(ofin)确信的,自信的

    confidential a.秘密的,机密的;亲信的

    confine v

    /confirm/i v
    conflict n

    conform v(to)遵守,依照,符合,顺应
    confront v.使面临,使遭遇;面对(危险等
    confuse v

    confusion n

    congratulate v(on)祝贺,向……致祝贺词

    congress n

    conjunction n.连接,连结;连接词

    connection n.

    in connection with
    to 关于

    Words24 Phrases2 Total26

    A friend 1____________ me on my new book about my trip. Then he asked me many questions in connection with life abroad. I said I would tell him a 2____________ story on condition that he kept it secret. My words 3____________him but also 4____________ his thinking. Last year, in the country I visited the conjunction of the heavy rains and high winds caused flooding. At the same time, the 5____________ between the employers and workers led to the strike. The workers refused to 6____________to the unfair 7____________. They had been 8____________by the contract for many years. They 9____________ the employers for their bad 10____________. And they had no 11____________ in the enlployers any more. 12 ____________ by the angry crowd, the police retreated. 13____________ 14____________ upon the strike but had no idea. A killer hired by some employers killed the strike leader, a 15____________ orchestra 16____________. A bus conductor caught the criminal. The criminal was confined in a prison and soon he 17____________his crime. The criminal was 18____________ to death. The Queen conferred knighthood on the bus conductor at the press 19____________. But one month later, the bus conductor was murdered too. He was found dead nearby a post made of20____________. I condensed the story to half its original length.

    一个朋友祝贺我出了关于我自己旅游的新书。然后他问了许多关于海外生活的问题。我说在他保密的条件下,将告诉他一个秘密的故事。我的话混淆了他,但也坚定了的念头。去年,在我待的那个国家暴雨和狂风的连结酿成洪水泛滥。与此同时,劳资双方的冲突也引起了一场罢工。工人拒绝遵守不公平的合同。他们被合同 限制了多年。他们谴责雇主的不良行为。并且他们对雇主再也没有信任了。面对愤怒的人群,警察后退了。国会 商谈着这场罢工,但有任何主意。一名受雇于一些老板的杀手杀死了罢工的领导人,一名自信的管弦乐队的指挥。一个公车售票员抓住了罪犯。罪犯被禁闭在监狱,很快他供认了罪行。罪犯被死刑。女王在记者会议上授予公车售票员骑士身份。但二个月后,公车售票员也被谋杀了。他被发现死在一根混凝土柱子边上。我将故事浓缩到了原采的一半。

    conquer v
    conquest n

    conscience n
    conscientious a.认真的,勤勤恳恳的
    conscious a
    consciousness n.意识.觉悟,自觉
    consensus n
    consent v.
    consequence n
    in consequence
    in consequence of
    consequently ad.因而,所以
    conservation n.保存,保护,保守;守恒,不灭
    conservative a
    considerable a
    considerate a.考虑周到的.体谅的
    consideration n
    consist v
    consistent a(with)前后一致的,始终如一的
    consolidate v.巩固,加强
    conspicuous a.显眼的,明显的
    constant a
    constituent a.形成的,组成的n.成分,要素
    constitute v

