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       日期:2012-01-14     浏览:200    
    核心提示:上课时间:2011年4月23日2011年 4 月 24 日地点: 辽宁大学怀远楼226室课程名称:MBA英词专项突破英词面授张7(下);英词面授

    上课时间:2011年 4月23 日 — 2011年 4 月 24 日

    地点: 辽宁大学怀远楼226室


    MBA词汇授课内容: MBA核心词汇(A94. artificial——B11blame

    授课老师:北京师资 亲莅沈阳 辽宁唯一全程面授 张丁文



    1、A: Would you like a jelly bean?
    B: No thanks, I don’t eat anything with _____________coloring.

    2、A: If you just focus on one _____________of the situation, your lecture might be easier to understand.
    B: I know that, but I’m afraid I’d lose sight of the big picture.

    3、A: I’d like to buy this model for my son.
    B: I should warn you that it might be too difficult for a child to_____________.

    4、A: Unless the _____________approves the new regulations, we’re out of business.
    B: I’ve got my fingers crossed.

    5、A: How would you _____________the current state of our marriage?
    B: Well, we’ve been through some rocky times, but right now we’re in pretty good shape.


    6、A: You’ve been a huge ___________to the company over the years, but we’ve going to have to let you go.
    B: I don’t believe this.


    7、A: Do you think the teacher will___________ homework over the weekend?
    B: I don’t see why he wouldn’t.

    8、A: Have you finished the ___________I gave you?
    B: Of course.

    9、A: Let me know if there’s any way I can___________ you.
    B: Thanks.

    10、A: If you need ___________, just give a yell.
    B: I’m sure I’ll be fine.

    11、A: I usually wouldn’t ___________you with music, but you just did a great job singing that song.
    B: Thanks!

    12、A: Before you move in, you need the approval of the Homeowner’s ___________.
    B: Do you think it will be a problem?

    13、A: I ___________you brought the video?
    B: Yes, it’s right here.

    14、A: I can tell just by looking at him that I won’t like him.
    B: You shouldn’t make that sort of ___________about people.

    15、A: I want to ___________you that all of our wines are of the highest quality.
    B: That’s good to know.

    16、A: People today ___________me with their disregard for nature.
    B: I guess they’re more concerned with making money than protecting the environment.

    17、A: What should I do with my necklace when I’m not wearing it?
    B: Why don’t you___________ it to your backpack?

    18、A: It’s difficult to ___________such a high level of skill.
    B: But they say that, with practice, anything is possible.

    19、A: If you don’t change your___________, I’m leaving.
    B: Go ahead and leave if you want.

    20、A: I’ve always had an ___________to politics.
    B: Maybe you should run for office.

    21、A: I think you’re very ___________.
    B: I think you’re quite ugly.

    22、A: I___________ his lack of personality to my failure as a parent.
    B: Don’t be so hard on yourself.

    23、A: Why are you so sad? I thought it was a great show.
    B: But half the___________ left at intermission!

    24、A: The ___________system in my car is nothing to get excited about.
    B: At least it puts out sound, which is more than I can say about my car’s system.

    25、A: How do you know the ___________?
    B: We went to high school together.

    26、A: I hate it when the students challenge my___________ .
    B: Well, kids will be kids.

    27、A: I want to buy an ___________can opener.
    B: Why don’t you just open the cans yourself?

    28、A: Do you have any rooms___________?
    B: I’m sorry, we’re all booked of tonight.

    29、A: Oh ___________of the governor, I’d like to welcome you to the city.
    B: Thank you. Please five my regards to the governor.

    30、A: I hope the kids ___________well at the school.
    B: I’m sure they will.

    31、A: I’ve been very disappointed by your ___________in the last few weeks.
    B: I’m sorry. I’ll try to do better.

    32、A: I believe in never harming other living___________.
    B: Even plants?


    33、A: I hold the strong ___________that there is life on other planets.
    B: I think you’re crazy.

    34、A: I hope that we can come to an agreement that will be ___________to both parties.
    B: I truly believe that we can.

    35、A: In the end, it all worked out to my___________.
    B: I’m glad to hear that.

    36、A: He was told. ___________, I never liked him anyway.
    B: But you still should feel sorry that he died.

    37、A: I think I will win the match tomorrow.
    B: Do you want to ___________on that?

    38、A: If you want to win the auction, you’re going to have to place a higher___________.
    B: But I don’t have enough money.


